Monday, April 23, 2007

Caliraya Sports Week Part 2

Gosh, maintaining a blog is so much work! I'm so way behind my posts that I'm still trying to finish writing about the Caliraya trip last Holy Week. Since then I've got more pics about the Tour of the Fireflies. Oh well, isn't that the story of my life... always playing catch up ball.

I thought I'd share this video of me wakeboarding in Caliraya. I was apprehensive because I haven't done this for about a year and it's just been 6 months since my ACL operation. I decided to throw caution to the wind and just give it my all. I had a few good jumps and this is one of them. I still can't do that jump-and-reverse-the-board move yet. But I think I've figured it out already (it'll have to wait till next trip to Cali). I should make the jump toe side first (from the right going to left) hanging on to the ski rope with both hands. When I'm airborn, I can let go of my right hand and hopefully the force will help spin my body. If only I can jump high enough and spin hard enough to land that sucker trick.

I also noticed thanks to the video that on my usual heel side jump, I'm hanging on to the rope with my right hand, letting go of the left. Bad form, because when I land on the other side of the wake, my body would tend to twist counter clockwise. Hmmm. I wonder if my jump will improve if I hang on with left and let go with my right?

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